
Ylene Forwood Hypnotherapy
Creating beautiful transformations


1. What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural (not drug-induced), altered state-of-mind, commonly referred to as a trance-like state. Brain waves are similar to when you are about to fall asleep or just waking up. In hypnosis, you enter a relaxed focus state. You become more receptive and responsive, and are open to the delivery of powerful and positive suggestions. This helps transform negative behavior or habits agreed upon between you and the hypnotist/hypnotherapist during Pre-talk.

2. Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?
No, there is no chance for you to get stuck in hypnosis. If anything, a client may fall asleep as a result of feeling deeply relaxed, but this is unlikely as the hypnotist/hypnotherapist is keenly aware of the client’s responses. Your subconscious mind works around the clock – 24/7 – to protect you. In the same way as when you sleep, your subconscious will still respond to an external threat, like a fire alarm going off, for example.

3. Am I under the control or power of the hypnotist or hypnotherapist?
No, you are never under the control of the hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Your conscious and subconscious mind are both present. You will hear every word spoken to you. Because of the presence of both your conscious and subconscious mind, you will never say or be made to do anything that is against your morals or ethics. All hypnosis is self- hypnosis – you are always in control and can reject a suggestion or terminate a session at anytime. You will remember the entire session.

4. How do I get started?
We offer a free, 30-minute initial consultation. Simply call 251-533-5988 or via the contact form.

5. Where do we have the sessions?
Currently, I offer both remote sessions and in person sessions at my office. We can discuss or explore other possible options for a virtual session on your smart phone. Rest assured that your safety and privacy is very important to me.

6. How long are the sessions?
Please allow for a 2 hours per session for thorough assessment and in working towards a resolution of an issue.

7. How many sessions?
We encourage a minimum of 3 sessions for behaviors or habits that are firmly established or that the client has been struggling with for quite some time. Cigarette smoking and weight loss are great examples.